“The audio message is accompanied by a set of vibrations in the grip with each vibration giving its meaning using a universal language called ‘Anthony’s universal language for the blind’,” said Mr Muthungu who describes himself as a social innovator. In case of an emergency, the user can press the alert button which then provides direction and location information since it is linked to GSM and GPRS. He noted that aside from helping the visually impaired operate normally, the smart cane enables them cut overreliance on strangers who can misdirect them.
Mr Muthungu said from a tender age, he was always mesmerized by innovations. “I started innovating in 2006 when I created electric power from bio-gas from pit latrine. I was in standard seven,” said the innovator who was an incubatee at the Kenya ICT Authority. “Since then, I have been able to develop other innovations to date.” At 25, he was over 15 innovation rewards in his name including the Aspiring Inter-Varsity Innovator Award 2018 and finalist of the American Society for Mechanical Engineering Innovation Showcase in 2018.